Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How to Appreciate Actors or Singers That Your Friends Love and You Hate

You'll always have your own tastes in music, movies, etc. But maybe your best friend likes someone different, and constantly reminds you how great they are. How can you learn to like them too? Simply read on!


1.Understand why you hate them. Is it their whiny voice? Their lack of realism? Their tendancy to use corny phrases/lyrics? Once you figure this out, you'll be on your way to overlooking it.

2.Understand why you hate them. Is it their whiny voice? Their lack of realism? Their tendency to use corny phrases/lyrics? Once you figure this out, you'll be on your way to overlooking it.

3.Figure out what you like. What is YOUR personal style? For example, say this artist is pop and you like rock. Like rock, pop has a strong beat. That could be one thing you like about the music. Compare the two and choose similarities.

4.Pick out the positives. Watch a TV show, rent a DVD, or listen to a CD of theirs. Listen and watch as attentively as possible. What do you like about it? # If you can't find anything the first time, pop in that disk again. Unless this person is inhuman, there's has to be something good about them. If you still can't find something you like, ask your friend what THEY like about the person.

5.Relate. Consider reading a book or watching a documentary on the person. Is there something that happened to them, in which you can relate? Maybe this can help you see them as respectable artists.

6.Know about opinion. Everyone has their own opinion. Remember that people who find this person good, are not necessarily "wrong", nor are you "wrong" to dislike them. Learn to accept these differences and find acceptance.

7.Think about audience. If all else fails, realize the audience of this person. If you're a 20 year old guy, Miley Cyrus's career may not appeal to you- and probably never will. This sort of music is not sold to your type of audience. Accept that. Let your friend know of this aspect, so they don't badger you anymore.

1.You don't have to become obsessed with this person. Simply try to find some decency in them, and accept them as artists.

Even if this doesn't work, don't bash an artist just 'cause you don't like them. Keep your opinions to yourself, if you know they're going to insult the person's fans.